Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Energy Solutions Conference

The Energy Solutions conference - - begins this morning. Unfortunately, due to my tardiness in finalizing plans with the organizers to exchange group volunteering for a group discount, individual students who go to the conference and register will be on their own. My advice is to ask for Tom, if he is available, if not work with whoever is there. They will probably all be pretty sympathetic. If you can afford the $30, pay it. If you can't - explain that you are a low-income public high school student, that you are taking a class on peak oil, that you've read Heinberg, that you will be a quiet but enthusiastic listener, and then offer them to pay the $5, $10, or $15 that you can afford. You could also offer to stay after to help clean up, or do some other volunteer work. It is possible someone will be delighted that high school kids are learning about this (it will give them a misleading sense of hope) and let you in with a big discount.

Keep in mind that almost everyone you talk to will be volunteers, and that the organizers aren't getting rich off this conference. It isn't sponsored by any corporations. And the speakers need to be paid, for their travel, time, and expertise.

Take lots of notes, and pay attention also to the audience and the sorts of questions that are asked. Write down especially your own questions.


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